Every product is inspected by our certified team before release for compliance and accountability throughout the project.
Our facilities operate under Inteforge-developed systems, processes and documentation that comply with our ISO 9001–2015 certifications. In addition, all products are inspected and released by our discipline-certified in-house team and independent third-party testing agencies.
AWS certified welding inspectors ensure all welding (WPS and supporting WPQR) is carried out as per the requirements of project specified codes and standards. Inteforge has an extensive library of weld procedures covering global welding standards and certifications.
Surface treatment
NACE accredited inspectors and supervisors oversee the quality and testing of all surface treatments on Inteforge projects. High-quality surface treatment systems include galvanising, high build paint systems, marine and offshore paint systems, inorganic zinc systems, rubber lining, and fireproofing—both cementitious and intumescent.
Our disciplined, tenured teams are driven by a quality-first mindset and always ensure the product is right prior to release.