Our E&I capability is a key differentiator for Inteforge. Accredited E&I technicians support the design and manage fit out, inspection, testing, pre-commissioning/commissioning activities and associated documentation such as material data records and hazardous area dossiers.


Accredited and compliant

Our work is signed off by qualified personnel as electrically safe, compliant, fit for purpose, and ready for onsite commissioning to take place.

An ‘intelligent’ advantage

Our E&I team works with the design team to ensure E&I elements are fully incorporated into our 3D models, resulting in fewer clashes and greater levels of ‘in-shop’ completion. This reduces menial job tasks and key discipline interface issues at site.

A true multi-disciplinary approach

With a proven capability to deliver tested and commissioned skids and modules, we integrate with our customers to understand the end product expectations and ensure multidisciplinary projects are always well planned, coordinated and delivered right the first time.

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